Causes of arab spring pdf

Causes of the arab spring causes of the arab spring may be described as following. When it comes to politics, clear political factors emerge as important reasons for the uprising in the muslim world. They streamed across the venerable qasr alnil bridge, broke through security barriers as they raced through downtown streets, and marched in small clusters or long lines along the nile corniche from the southern and northern districts. Chloe mulderig abstract many scholars have focused on the political factors in particular, the desire for regime change and democratization as central motivations for the arab spring revolutions of 2011. And their night will then begin to fade, and their chains break and fall. From revolution to civil war 78 zones and does not tightly define civil war versus other intrastate conflict. There is an anxiety that new despots will simply replace the former ones in many of these states. Like all great social upheavals, the arab spring was long in the making, and born of many intertwined causes. The arab spring refers to a period of protests beginning on december 18, 2010 in tunisia, which quickly spread to numerous other arab nations and resulted in regime change in tunisia, libya, egypt, and yemen, and repression andor violence in syria, bahrain, sudan, and elsewhere. History has suggested that this could easily occur and it is not necessary to go. Causes, consequences, and implications if, one day, a people desire to live, then fate will answer their call. Like germany, england and france in the second world war, most of syria is destroyed. The economics of the arab spring and its aftermath 5.

The roots and causes of the 2011 arab uprisings kamal eldin osman salih abstract. The arab uprisings represent a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests that swept the arab world. Polyvocal, leaderless and using new styles of communication, the post arab spring voices do not seek power but seek to defy the state and push it to address the hitherto taboo topics such as. This paper attempts to examine the causes of the arab uprisings in middle eastern. Unm newsroom news professor discusses root causes of arab spring. This spark threatens to set the whole of the middle.

Many experts compare the arab spring to the popular revolutions that shook communist states in the late 1980s and early 1990s of the 20th century. Unlike 911, the arab spring is attributable to deep and widespread sociological causes e. The arab world has a long history of struggle for political change, from leftist groups to islamist radicals. Development of conflict in arab spring libya and syria. Demographic explosion according to volker perthes, the arab spring originated primarily from the explosive demographic developments in the arab world. The causes and effects of the arab springs by matthew. In this paper, we attempt to disentangle the causes and consequences of the arab uprisings. Libyathe death of dictator first protests in libya started on january 2011 but mass uprisings began in the city of benghazi on 15 february 2011.

Demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances faced violent crackdowns by. Justice and human dignity were not priorities in most states. In collaboration with kadir has university international relations department and the center for international and european studies cies. Nevertheless, in the last decade almost all of the mena economies. Arab spring libya 360 libya after moammar gaddafi the washington post. Pdf arab spring as a background of civil war in syria. Arab spring, egypt, revolution, social media, tunisia. Three major realities were political reason that motivated the population to take the streets.

It began in response to oppressive regimes and a low standard of living, starting with. The initial events of the arab spring occurred in tunisia, where on december 14, 2010, a street vendor named mohammad bouazizi carried out an act of selfimmolation, after a tunisian police officer was alleged to have taken his fruit stand from him, restricting him from selling fruit at his location. Politics comes first gadi wolfsfeld 1, elad segev2, and tamir sheafer3 abstract the goal of this article is to place the role that social media plays in collective action within a more general theoretical structure, using the events of the arab spring as a case study. In tunisia, protests which began primary over economic frustration, injustice and. The common slogan of the protesters throughout arab spring was the people want to bring down the regime aissa, 2012. There was general agreement among witnesses as to the longterm causes of the arab spring revolutions. A young man sets fire to himself on the streets of tunisia. Along with the decrease in production, the demographic boom was also responsible for increasing unemployment. After more than five decades of independence from european colonialism, autocratic rulers have failed to meet the legitimate aspirations of the arab people. Mar 29, 2019 by early 2011 they had spread into what became known as the arab springa wave of protests, uprisings, and unrest that spread across arabicspeaking countries in north africa and the middle east. The possible outcome of the arab spring scenarios for the future i. It is too optimistic to think that existing dilemmas can be easily resolved in this new and changing environment, but the arab spring may provide strong momentum for change.

Kontraksi demokrasi kisah revolusi arab ini bermula dari seorang pemuda bernama mohamed bouazizi. Mar 28, 2012 weighing multiple political, economic, and cultural conditions, we find that information infrastructure especially mobile phone use consistently appears as one of the key ingredients in parsimonious models for the conjoined combinations of causes behind social movement success during the arab spring. Thi s researc h articl e attempts to scrutinize the nature and cause s of the ara b uprising s which too k people by surpris e globall y throughou t 2011 and int o 2012. What was meant to be an uprising for change turned into a bloody, brutal and endless civil war. The armed forces played a decisive role in many of the arab uprisings, particularly the early ones. This paper argues that we ought to understand the arab spring as transformative revolutionary movement, but one that will be faced with numerous bumps in the road ahead. The gaddafi archives libya before the arab spring view gallery an exhibition of photographs, documents and artefacts from the human rights watch archive paints a portrait of libya in the four decades prior to the arab spring.

At the eve of the arab spring, one out of four egyptians and tunisians young was out of employment. The arab spring and its unintended effects in syria. To move beyond this arab spring legacy and regain a reputation for mediation and diplomacy, qatar may well have to step back from the regional leadership that was characteristic of dohas policies during and after the arab spring, and act instead as a. Pria 26 tahun itu memutuskan untuk bekerja menjadi pedagang kaki lima, penjual buah dan sayuran di sidi bouzid, kirakira 300 km jauhnya di selatan ibu kota tunisia. Protests, riots and demonstrations erupted in algeria, bahrain, iraq, jordan, kuwait, morocco, djibouti, mauritania, oman, saudi arabia, palestine, and western sahara. Social media and the arab spring sage publications. The demands made by protestors were wide ranging, and also evolved as protest movements developed. Roots and causes of the arab uprisings there is a consensu s among politica l analysts regardin g the cocktai l of major factors that, when combined, created the socia l explosio n known as the 2011 arab uprisings. The uprisings were sparked by the first protests that. Its causes and consequences 3 arab countries barany, 2011. On january 25, 2011, thousands poured into tahrir square, the symbolic heart of cairo. The causes of the arab spring, or as some call it, arab awakening, were many and longgathering. It is known that due of the economic distress, and lack of employment, many turned to blame the governments in their countries.

Momani bessma arab spring a genuine revolutionary movement. The global crisis has, probably, exacerbated the populations discontent. I can compare and contrast the causes and effects of the arab spring in other middle eastern nations. Causes, consequences, and perspectives foreword this paper is an extended summary of a panel discussion with rami khouri on the topic of the arab uprisings auses, onsequences, and perspectives. Lara friedman, director of policy and government relations for americans for peace now april 15, 2011. To move beyond this arab spring legacy and regain a reputation for mediation and diplomacy, qatar may well have to step back from the regional leadership that was characteristic of dohas policies during and after the arab spring, and act instead as a facilitator of dialogue and quiet negotia. Arab spring research guide and notes sheet targets. Demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances faced violent crackdowns by their countries security forces.

The geographic position of many arab states protagonist of the arab spring lead us to analyze also the international causes of these revolts. The causes and the consequences of the arab srping explained in this documentary. The scope of the change under way in libya is the grandest undertaken in any of the arab spring countries. Jul 27, 2011 as economic distress is show to be one of the major causes of the arab spring, political dissatisfaction may be the biggest of them all to cause these disturbances. A bumpy road ahead pdf by hassan hakimian, director of the london middle east institute and reader, economics department, soas underscores the underlying importance of the economic conditions facing the new republics, such as egypt and tunisia, which are emerging as a result of the arab spring. Lacking a national army, trade unions, civil organizations, and key institutions, the country must be built from scratch. The arab spring of discontent einternational relations. The arab spring marked a discontinuity in regional history as well as in social scientists understanding of the region. The political causes of the arab spring the arab spring can be analysed in many ways. Pdf 1 on the economic causes of the arab spring and its. Causes of the arab spring the wave of social protests that swept through the arab world during 2011, toppling some longstanding regimes and seriously destabilizing others, was the consequence of decades of oppressive and authoritarian political systems, failed economic policies, and socially alienated and disaffected populations, mainly youths.

Demographic explosion according to volker perthes, the arab spring originated primarily from the explosive demographic. Pdf on jun 1, 2018, mohd irwan syazli saidin and others published rethinking the arab spring. Jun 15, 2016 the causes and the consequences of the arab srping explained in this documentary. Notably, migration to europe has not been accelerated by the arab spring, apart from a shortlived movement from tunisia, but has simply continued along previous trends. It is clear that the protests as a whole were not ideological, in that they did not seek to impose a particular set of beliefs or order. The blame spiraled into riots against political leaders. The causes and effects of the arab springs by 12ael no single cause was behind the arab spring.

It is known that due of the economic distress, and lack of employment, many. The arab spring left tunisia in a deplorable economic situation. To politically analyze the neverending arab spring, is a difficult task today as the arab spring continues to. Spyridon plakoudas analyst kedisa research paper no. There has been much analysis of the causes and rapid spread of the 2011 arab spring or arab uprisings.

Analysis of the arab spring 3 blunders in state response, in particular using a heavyhanded approach and trying to crush opposition, had the reverse effect of galvanising more people to join the protests icg, 2011b and 2011d. The economic consequences of the arab spring by mohsin khan atlantic council rafik hariri center for the middle east the popular uprisings that swept the middle east in early 2011 dramatically altered the political landscape of the region with the overthrow of autocratic regimes in egypt, libya, tunisia, and yemen. Ever since the 1950s the arab world has been dominated by strongmen e. As economic distress is show to be one of the major causes of the arab spring, political dissatisfaction may be the biggest of them all to cause these disturbances. To politically analyze the neverending arab spring, is a difficult task today as the arab spring continues to evolve and change by daily events. But the protests that started in 2011 could not have evolved into a mass phenomenon had it not been for the widespread discontent over unemployment and low living standards. Recent research aims at understanding the sources and. The causes and effects of the arab springs by matthew clarke. Financial pressures top every list of catalysts and causes of the arab spring, espeeially when cormption at the hands of the mling and social elite is added. Widely circulated pdfs of tip sheets explained how to pull off a.

By early 2011 they had spread into what became known as the arab spring a wave of protests, uprisings, and unrest that spread across arabicspeaking countries in. However, the arab world is currently experiencing massive. All these factors, to large extent have contributed to the causes of this popular uprisings. This collection should be of considerable interest to students of international relations, particularly those with an interest in the politics of the middle east and north africa. Luciani and others published on the economic causes of the arab spring and its possible developments find, read.

Egypt is the biggest arab state and it is the first state that signed a peace accord with israel. Pdf on the economic causes of the arab spring and its possible. Effects and consequences of the arab spring the hollings. Arab spring, wave of prodemocracy protests and uprisings that took place in the middle east and north africa beginning in 2010, challenging some of the regions entrenched authoritarian regimes. Experts and observers even suggested that this revolution is the biggest event since the cold war. Also in the case of the arab spring, scholars and analysts have attributed a primary role to these economic causes lagi et al. This resulted in a rather stunted and closed atmosphere. Reasons for arab spring based on views in developing. Egyptian revolution, also known as arab spring or arab uprising, was a shock for international community because egypt has been seen as one of the strongest military state in north africa region. I can describe the causes and effects of the arab spring in my assigned country. Jul 17, 2017 the arab spring may have awakened the entire middle east with a taste of democracy in a few countries, but syria has seen the adverse effects of it.